Processing Time: Orders received are usually processed within 5 to 7 working days. All orders are shipped from our warehouse in Santa Ana, CA.
Delivery Estimates: Most parcels are delivered within the country in 4-10 working days from the date shipped (10-15 working days for orders outside the country). If you do not receive your order within that timeframe, please send an email to customer service.
Please review the table below to see our shipping rates within the country. These are the delivery times once your order has shipped, not from the date you placed your order.
US Standard Ground: 4-10 business days
$3.95 for 1 item.
$4.95 for 2 items.
$6.95 for 3 - 4 items.
$9.95 for 5 items.
$12.95 for 6 items.
7 or more items - 15% of order total
US Priority Mail: 4-5 business days
$6.95 for 1 item.
$8.95 for 2 items.
$9.95 for 3 items.
$11.95 for 4 - 5 items.
$14.95 for 6 items.
7 or more items - 15% of order total
US Express Mail: 2-3 business days
$24.95 for 1 item.
$26.95 for 2 items.
$29.95 for 3 items.
$34.95 for 4 - 5 items.
$39.95 for 6 items.
7 or more items - 20% of order total